Cross Disciplinary Research Grants and Funding


The Catalyst Foundation's mission is to foster cross-disciplinary doctoral level university research in the scientific and engineering fields. It fosters research projects in which at least one discipline is related to integrated circuit design and analysis.

How to Apply

The research support provided by the Foundation is in the form of grants. Collaborations by multiple universities are encouraged. Proposals must be prepared by university professors and must be submitted by the grant office of the corresponding university that leads the project.

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Call for Proposals

The call for proposals for Multi-Year Funding 2024 is now open.

The proposal due date is December10, 2024.

Once a year. We normally announce a call for proposals during the 3rd quarter of each year. The Foundation also announces a call for proposal in the Catalyst Foundation Group of the LinkedIn. Researchers are encouraged to join the Catalyst Foundation Group to get the latest call for proposal information.
The Foundation website has detailed descriptions of all funded projects, both current on-going projects, and completed projects. The descriptions include links to the Educational Institutions funded.
The Foundation uses a network of outside reviewers including engineers, university professors, scientists and doctors with expertise in the areas under evaluation.
No, the Foundation welcomes proposals from around the world.
No. The Foundation only supports student stipend, tuition, and some other direct cost links described in the Funding Guideline section.
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